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These additional resources are only for RES students who are currently attending Mdm Celeste Ng's classes with Hastor. A password (PW) is needed to access these materials. To get the PW, you need to sign up for the Full RES course here. Mdm Celeste Ng may change the PW occasionally. If you were a student of Celeste, you may request the new PW from Mdm Celeste Ng directly.
Students who have signed up for the Online Refresher Course will have similar materials embedded in the course itself without having to access this page.
If you have problem logging in, try with another browser or use another device. It may take a while for it to be loaded.
The more you read, the better it is for you. Mdm Celeste Ng has compiled a library of relevant/impt reading materials here that will help you in the RES exam.
Mdm Celeste Ng has gone through many YouTube videos and she sieves out the following videos which are related to Paper 1 topics. Do watch them to have a better understanding on the respective topics.
You are often tested on the latest policy and rules. Click on the arrow to read them.
Learn from students who have passed the exam as to how they study .
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