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Please read the Terms below before accessing the FAQ

If I have queries regarding the questions in the books, what shall I do?

Check whether your questions are in the FAQ. The FAQ page has explanations for some difficult questions. If your question is not in the FAQ, that means the question is simple and no explanation is required. Please attend Mdm Celeste Ng's class or sign up for the RES online Refresher Course designed by her to let her teach you the legal principles, laws, and policies in depth.  She has no obligation to explain all questions in the books. And please do NOT disturb her by texting or calling her to explain the questions. A kind reminder that the FAQ is NOT for those books printed before Jan 2023. 


Who can access the FAQ?

FAQ is only for those who have bought the Physical Books directly from us on/after Jan 2023 including those who have purchased the Online Version of the Books. And this FAQ is also only for those who are taking the RES exam (NOT for Team Leaders and those who have passed the RES exam). 


How to access the FAQ?

For Physical Books, contact Johan (9423 3551). He will only reply to those who bought the books directly from us.

For the Online Version of the Books, please contact Lucas (9893 8883). You must use the same email as the online ver books when registering for the FAQ. 


How long can I access the FAQ?

For a maximum of 1 year. We reserve our right to remove your access anytime during the one year. To re-access, please give us proof of you still taking the RES exam such as an email from CEA or from the examination board. 


Is this FAQ for all editions?

No. This FAQ is only for Books published after Jan 2023. If you have the books printed before Jan 2023, discard them. They are outdated.  


Where can I find when my books are published?

The published date can be found on the first page of the book. It is advisable to purchase the latest print which includes questions on the latest changes to the policies, regulations, and laws


If my friend passes me the books, can I access the FAQ?

No. You are NOT authorized to access it. 


The government announced some changes in 2024. Are these changes included in the books?

Yes, Mdm Celeste Ng makes all the changes within 3 days from the date of announcements. You can find the amended questions after logging into the FAQ page. If you don't wish to manually change the questions, you may purchase the online version of the books whereby all the questions are updated and current. 


If I have the physical books, can I have the online version for free?

NO. You either purchase the online version OR the physical books. If you wish to have both the physical books and the online version, you have to pay twice because they are under different accounts. Please read the terms and conditions of the online version before making your purchase. 


Are there some printing errors in the answers or questions?

Any typo or printing error will be published in the FAQ.  Only those who have bought the original from us are able to access the FAQ page. We keep records of all the purchases.  She constantly updates the FAQ page. Do refresh your browser frequently to get the latest. 


What is the difference between editions 6 and 7?

The difference is that the 'fill in the blank' section is removed for edition 7 (in line with the latest exam format) and Mdm Celeste Ng has updated some of the MCQ questions too. If you want to try the 'fill in the blank' questions, please check with Johan about the availability of edition 6. 


What are the things in the books? Are answers provided?

There are MCQ and case study questions. Each book has more than 1000 questions for you to practice. The answers are printed at the back of the books. The workings and calculations can be found at the bottom of the answer sheet. 


Are these past year's exam questions?

Some are but they are not exactly the same word for word. Students are not allowed to bring out the exam paper, therefore all questions are designed, written, and created by Mdm Celeste Ng based on students' feedback on what has been tested in the exam. These books set the basic foundation and have helped many pass the exam. 


Can I pay cash and collect the book instantly?

Cash and Carry only at Hastor. Please check with Hastor directly on their stocks before heading down to their office



Mdm Celeste Ng is the first person who created the practice questions. Please inform us if you find other people copying her questions/materials. Whistleblowers' identities will be kept strictly confidential. It is illegal to violate Copyright Law. We do not want dishonest people to serve the real estate industry. If you are a good person, do report such illegal acts to us. 


  1. Click on the Book below to access the FAQ

  2. Sign up and create an account first before you can log in. Please use your personal email to set up the account. We only grant access to those who purchased the books directly from us and those currently taking the exam. We reserve our right to deny access if the email address is suspicious. We no longer issue PW. 

  3. Please WhatsApp Johan at 94233551 your email address after you have set up the account. He will check the record of your purchase before granting you access to the FAQ page.

  4. If you have purchased the Online Version of the Books, please inform Lucas at 9893 8883 after you have set up the account for the FAQ page. Please set up using the same email that you have set up for the Online Version of the Books. 

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Last updated: 10/03/2025

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