Students pass the RES exam after practicing the questions in these books designed and written by Mdm Celeste Ng.
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Price: $40 per book; $80 for 2 books (excluding postage)

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Each book comprises more than 1000 practice questions that include Case Studies & MCQ. Questions are designed by Mdm Celeste Ng according to the RES syllabus and the exam standard. Book 1 is based on Paper 1 syllabus and Book 2 is based on Paper 2 syllabus. Answers are provided. These books have helped her students pass the exam. Some reviews of the books can be found here.
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The questions in your RES books are quite similar to the exam papers although not exactly the same word for word. I am glad that I have purchased the 2 books. Questions may not be exactly the same as those in the exam but while doing these questions, it makes me read the government websites and understand the concepts better. Thank you for putting so much effort in helping us.
Hey Celeste, thank you for your guidance. I managed to pass both papers. And btw, your 2 books are really useful to me. It allows me to be familiarized with the types of questions they ask.
Hi Celeste, I am JP from RES 184. As you are probably aware, we got our exam results last Friday. I'm happy to have passed both papers on my first attempt. I'm now writing to express my sincere thanks to you. Your very comprehensive notes and your '10 Year Series' were of great help to me. Although it took me a few days of mugging to cram all the information there into my pea brain, it was ultimately worth it. Once again, thank you. I now look forward to attend your CPD classes.
Hey Celeste, Just want to drop by to let you know that the two books that you have created helped me a lot with the latest RES exams. The questions are really pretty relevant to what was tested although most of them are not exact. It helped with understanding the topics better and how to apply the knowledge from the notes. Failed both papers during the first exams this year. Managed to pass both this time round after purchasing your books. Thanks again:)
Thanks Celeste. Your 2 books are wonderful. Lucky I bought them.
- Celina Tay
Hi Celeste, I'm one of your students Jamie. I've passed both my papers 1 & 2. Really thankful that I have attended your classes and the 2 books by you are really useful. A big thank you to you and I look forward to attending your CPD classes.